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..' I took the face cloth and lathered it up and started to wash his chest and stomach as he slowly turned so I could do his back. I reached round his body and took hold of his now rigid penis and slowly started to stroke it with the soapy cloth. His penis throbbed in my grasp and he parted his legs to allow me to wash his balls gently. Needless to say my member was also starting to rise and brushed against his right buttock. He tighten up and glanced over his shoulder. I quickly said. I never tried anything like that before. Let me see what I can do." Teekay got a blank look on his face as he concentrated on his task.Sam waited for 5 minutes before doing anything else about the missiles. He ordered TP2, "TP2, please go to the armory and report back when the missile arrives."TP2 disappeared and reappeared about 3 minutes later. "The missile has just arrived, and it looks to be in good condition." Thank you, TP2. I'll have another trip for you in just a moment. Teekay, do you. Marcia was wearing a shiny black, skin tight, leather bolero jacket with matching micro-mini and thigh high, patent boots. Her thick eyeliner slanting upwards. Her blonde hair framing her face perfectly. I was wearing a micro-mini, blue lycra dress. My hair was pushed back from my face with one of those invisible bands, and on my feet I wore strappy stilettos with a fur trim in the front. My make-up was heavy and very flirty.We looked like two high-class sluts out for it. On the bike, our minis. " Why didn't you pick me up two years ago?" He just offered me the deal lately. Anyway, two years ago I couldn't even get it up, besides, back then it wasn't a DICK like it is now, it was a weewee. They did a little paint and body work on me while they were fixing my ticker and all." They do some damned good work. The real deal works fine for me though, I mean gettin' the word from the start and knowin' what's coming. I already know I'm gonna miss you when you're gone, but it'll be a load off.
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